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Welcome from our Head OF SCHOOL

I am delighted to welcome you to Shalford Primary School. We are a small village school in a beautiful corner of rural North Essex. The school opened its doors in 1874 and has been a thriving and essential part of the local community ever since. We have pupils from all the surrounding towns and villages - everyone is welcome here.

At Shalford, we focus on providing a safe, nurturing environment where children can learn successfully every single day. We want pupils to reach their potential and go beyond it! When you come to Shalford Primary school you will see calm, purposeful learning and knowledgeable, supportive teachers who know the children incredibly well.  The learning experience is rich and full. We offer an exciting, high-quality curriculum which is supported by engaging trips and experiences linked to learning.

Space and resources are plentiful here. We have an expansive school field and a nature area, and we also use the local area to further our learning in many areas of the curriculum, particularly history, geography and art.  Our library and class book corners are always fully stocked as reading is high priority; we make it our business to ensure that everyone at Shalford enjoys reading and becomes successful at it. We believe that reading is the foundation of learning.

We hope you enjoy looking around our website and find everything you need, whether you are an existing or prospective parent. Do not hesitate to contact us if there is any further information you require.

Timothy Arding
Head of School