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Contact Us

Shalford Primary School

Church End

tel: (01371) 850336

Kelly Coombs in the school office will deal with queries from parents/public.
Queries relating to GDPR, email:
We hope you find all the information you require on our website.
Documents can be provided in paper form at no cost via our school office.

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Q1 - What are the term dates for this year?
You can find the term dates for 2022 - 2023 here.

Q2 - What are the INSET days for 2022 - 2023?
These can be found with the term dates for this year.

Q3 - What should I do if my child needs to take time off school during term time?
If the time off is for non-medical reasons, please contact the Head Teacher to discuss your plans before any arrangements are made. Time off for medical reasons is an authorised absence.